Thursday, June 22, 2006

"I have no idea"

That's what I'll be saying Saturday when we go to Antiques Roadshow in SLC and the appraiser asks, "Do you have any idea of the value of this item?" Being at ARS: one more thing to cross off of my list of Things to Do Before I Die! We're also celebrating our anniversary and it's always nice to go away for the weekend. I've already been to SLC a couple of times so no need to sight see, and it's supposed to be real hot there, too, so we'll probably be poolside when we're not at ARS.

Tomorrow I only have to work a half day as we're having the company picnic at noon and then get the rest of the day off, how cool is that? In other work news, I've just been made managing editor of the company newsletter, how fun is that? Cool. And, fun.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Almost Summer

I've found several great new local writing blogs and that has inspired me to visit my own, again. I'm pretty proud of my newsletter in progress, a project for one of my journalism classes, where I write about the local writing scene. Issue one will probably come out this weekend and as soon as it's graded I'll probably post it here. How's that for a tease?

So, this past week at work we put on a real live test of a summer curriculum, aka Vacation Bible School. It was awesome: 50 kids aged 5 to 11 for three and a half hours a day. I was in charge of onsite registration and as such got to come to work in a T shirt and shorts and sit out in the sun watching the parents and kids come and go twice a day. My own son was there, and he had a blast. Or, I should say, a bash. (A splash?) I got to leave early three of the five days to go home with him, which helped with my ever-present late-homework panic. (I turned in two assignments this week!)

The little guy started swimming lessons Monday. I'm going to start calling him Michael Phelps, truly. I only wish his genes were in his favor to have Phelps' long lanky build so that he could be a Olympian, too. Alright, he's my kid, but I can't believe what a natural he is in the water. We've have a super hot couple of weeks and the outdoor pool's open, too, so summer's definitely upon us!

Tonight we got home from a shopping trip in Denver and found our built in ice maker on the blink -- the freezer was making growling noises. It took my husband about 10 minutes to get the entire freezer section taken apart, and then another hour and a half after that to put it back together amid much colorful language and what I could swear was hyperventilating. I just hope it's fixed, as earlier today he worked on the printer which is shot. (Damn Epsons.)

Thing is, I came home tonight with some ice of my own, in the form of a more than a carat upgrade to my wedding ring! Yeah, I'm spoiled. It was my 15th wedding anniversary gift from dear hubby, and what a bummer that he's spent the rest of the evening with his head in the freezer.

Tomorrow we're going to the Zoo and, since I haven't been there in about 2 years, I'm really looking forward to it!