Thursday, May 24, 2007

Done Deal

Finished! I'm finished! I've sent my project to my teacher and I'm finished! Until August!


Sunday, May 20, 2007


Part of the project I'm doing for college is a summary of my experience with marketing myself. Part of that has to do with the art of querying. So, for the first time in about 3 years I'm looking through the stuff I did to promote both a novel and an article which was successfully published. It's filling me with regret today. I feel that, at that point, I was getting some momentum going and that I didn't manage to keep it going, you know? What was it, I wonder? Fear? Lack of expertise? Bad luck? Or worse: lack of talent?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Amid May

I quit my job three weeks or so ago and have been home finishing up homework and doing house projects ever since!

One of my homework assignments was to put together a binder proving that I've satisfied all of the requirements of a class for my major called Professional Communication Practices. I need to write one heck of an essay and photocopy my many query letters and market research to show that I know how to do all that stuff. It's quite a job but it will be worth it if I can get credit for this class without having to, you know, take it. Gosh, I love being a middle aged college student!

Last month I took 3 CLEP tests. I passed two of them but flunked College Algebra. By 3 points. I was so disgusted. It was 57 questions and my score was 47. I would rather have gotten 27 than 47.

I begged my TA at college and so they're going to let me try to test out of College Algebra when I'm on campus in August. That doesn't mean I'll get the 4 units credit like I would have had I passed the CLEP. But at least I wouldn't have to suffer through the class. 3 lousy points. The agony.

In non-school news, I'm busily tidying up and organizing the house, as well as doing a virtual garage sale on eBay. That's my Big Plan for making up my part time job income: selling stuff on eBay. I have tons of antique-type stuff from my mother's estate as well as things of my own. Good stuff. I guess I'll do this until I get sick of it, or run out of junk. The former is much more likely than the latter.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Well. Well.

March began with a fizzle and ended with a bang.

At the beginning of the month I was all on pins and needles as I anticipated (read: dreaded) yet another downsizing at work. I think it was the worst one yet, which left so many pessimistic. (Fizzle.)

Springtime is so busy with my son's school activities, even though by mid month at least the after school sports had settled down. By the time I'd blinked it was Spring Break and time for us to go on vacation to California.

This time I'd decided I wanted to go sightseeing and visit places, not people, I was missing. As a result, we only saw three, count'em, three people we knew. But that was okay -- maybe not for those we didn't see, but certainly for me. In fact, it was heaven. (Bang.)

We got back home yesterday and I'm having some trouble adjusting to be in Colorado again. But I'll live.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


It's been a while but I've been so tired and overwhelmed lately that blogging is about the last thing I feel like doing.

I've been vegging out in front of the TV news lately and that's always good for some ironies.

For example, Bob Woodward on the build up to the war in Iraq. He actually sat and said, straight-faced, that he believed all that the Administration said about the existence of WMD's.

How about that all-female country music band who won some Grammy's, widely seen as vindication for the aftermath of their earlier anti-Bush remarks.

Then there was the Katrina-surviving family whose trailer they'd been living in since that hurricane was just destroyed in another storm.

Truth is always stranger than fiction!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pop Goes the Wall

Here's the design I'm going to paint on the wall opposite my Elfa unit.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007!

It's warmer but there's still a ton of snow on the ground (most of it in my driveway, actually). Yesterday the boy and I went sledding and I have the sore, aching muscles to prove it!

Later in the day, my old home town boys beat the new hometown boys out of the post season. Go 9ers!

Then, we rung in the new year with those fancy fireworks we'd been unable to set off back when the ground was dry in July.

Today all roads were open again and things are slowly getting back to normal here. We went furniture shopping and got some great deals on some nice stuff to be delivered Friday! I can hardly wait!

Husband and I are both sobbing because tomorrow it's back to work for the two of us...son, meanwhile, is still off for another full week.